Events & Presentations
Events & Presentations
On this webpage, you will find information about upcoming events and presentations that we are hosting or participating in, as well as slide decks/documents of past events and presentations. Whether you are an investor, a biotech entrepreneur, or simply someone interested in the latest advancements in Pharma Equity Group A/S, we invite you to explore our webpage and stay informed about the exciting developments of Pharma Equity Group and our clinical pipelines. Presentations and interviews that have been recorded, can be watched on our page ‘Video Presentations’, which you can find in the menu above.
Upcoming Events
November 2, 2023. Extraordinary general meeting of Pharma Equity Group A/S
Notice convening the extraordinary general meeting of Pharma Equity Group A/S /(English version)
Indkaldelse til ekstraordinær generalforsamling i Pharma Equity Group A/S (Dansk version)
Registration form (English version)
Tilmeldingsblanket (Dansk version)
Postal Vote form (English version)
Brevstemmeblanket (Dansk version)
Proxy Form (English version)
Fuldmagtsblanket (Dansk version)
Presentations from prior events
Investor Presentation 16.08.2023 Consolidated Interim Financial Report (Danish Version)
Investor Presentation 29.03.2023 (Danish Version)
Investor Presentation 14.03.2023 (Danish Version)
Investor Presentation 06.03.2023 (Danish Version)
Investor Presentation 28.02.2023 (Danish Version)
Investor Presentation 10.02.2023 (Danish Version)
Connect with us
Pharma Equity Group
Slotsmarken 18,
DK-2970 Hørsholm
Contact us at